Advanced handgun class

Prerequisite:  Must have completed a basic pistol or CCW class.   

The purpose of this 4 hour course is to teach advanced handgun skills that will enable the shooter to effectively employ his/her firearm in a tactical environment. The focus of this course is the advanced development of general handgun shooting skills such as drawing from the holster, malfunction drills and tactical speed reloads. 

Students will develop reflexive gun handling skills that will enable them to effectively engage threats while performing multiple task and being aware of their surroundings.

Gear for the course:

  • Pistol
  • Minimum of 200 rounds of ammo
  • Holster
  • Minimum of two magazines
  • Magazine holders
  • Belt
  • Eye protection
  • Ear protection
  • Appropriate clothing.  No low cut shirts (ladies).
  • Water

Course student limit: 10                                     

Cost: $100.00